Our goal is to present fresh perspectives and thoughts that provide practical application and well-written insight into our theme. We publish a variety of content types, including Bible-based teaching, research, interviews, practical tips, etc. The theme for the FALL 2025 issue is Await. Our content guide outlines what we are looking for.
The Truly Co exists to share faith-filled content complemented by beautiful design to the world around us. We serve our readers by promoting peace and encouragement and exploring what Biblical truth looks like lived out. We believe the Holy Spirit uses creativity and imagery to speak and connect to hearts in powerful ways that will ultimately point them back to Jesus. Review our faith statement for more details on what we believe.
Truly’s target audience includes women in various stages of life and professions. The majority of our readers are ages 20-45. Truly is “life stage neutral,” meaning we focus less on topics like motherhood and marriage, and instead explore biblical topics and challenges. Our readers care about active faith, understanding scripture, and what these principles look like on a practical level. Our audience is familiar with Christianity, but tired of “Christianese” speak. Real, authentic, deep, and raw conversations resonate more so than a list of “you shoulds.”
We highly recommend reviewing past magazine issues and blog posts to see exactly what we’re looking for and the quality of the work we publish. This includes both written work and artistic elements such as photography, artwork and illustrations. For more details about our publication, visit our store.
editing timeline
February 28th: Article submissions are due to the Truly team via our online Writer Submission Form. After receiving your submission, the Truly team will review your content and will respond with publication decisions early March via email to every submission received.
Review the Await Content Guide for specific information about our audience, article requests, and FAQs.
Here’s a basic survey of the guidelines we follow during the editorial process and instructions on how you can prepare your article for submission. It covers writing mechanics, scripture citations, and tone. Please consult this guide as you write for a smooth review process.
All submitted articles must meet the criteria listed in this resource, and also explains the process to expect after submissions are accepted. This is a general resource that also applies to blog posts or articles that might not be tied to a specific print issue.
Submit your article in our Writer Submission Form. Please follow the prompts. After we receive your content, we will connect with you on any necessary adjustments. We encourage writers to submit writing as early as possible. Gold-star bonus points for excellent articles BEFORE the deadline!
What's the heart behind Truly? Watch this message from our Founder.

Thank you for your interest in writing for Truly magazine!
Please carefully review the information above before submitting content for consideration. As believers, we should put forth excellent and creative work that reflects the heart of God. We look forward to reading your submissions and exploring the publication process with you as determined by our editing team.
Blessings,Lindsay May
Founder & Publisher