The Receiving Room

God’s Invitation to Draw Near
by Cristina Slabic


Conversation. It is how you get to know someone. It fuels connection and intimacy.

God has invited us into a conversation with him. Do you talk to God? Are you listening for his response? Do you wonder how to discern his voice from others’ ideas—or even your own thoughts?

This simple framework may help you. Remember PARLOR.

In the past, many homes had receiving rooms, or parlors, where a family would welcome guests. You may know them as formal living rooms. Whatever you call them, these rooms were set aside for conversation.

God has invited us into his room—the throne room—and because of the work of Jesus Christ, we can enter boldly (see Hebrews 4:16). You can enter the PARLOR for conversation with God.

Pause. Be still. Turn your full attention to the almighty loving Creator of all.

Ask. Make a specific request—the more specific the question, the easier it will be to discern the answer.

Read. Study the Bible. Meditate on God’s words. He has revealed his heart and his character in the pages of Holy Scripture. As you read, you will learn to recognize his voice. God will remind you of what he has said (see John 14:26). 

Look out. Watch and listen with expectation. God speaks through circumstances and conversations, especially with godly friends and mentors who pray with you. He speaks through visions, dreams, and the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit. Pay attention. Test everything against the truth from the Scriptures; he will never contradict his Word. Seek confirmation, and ask for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding (see Philippians 4:7).

Obey. By faith, step into what God is showing and telling you. Trust and obey. Sometimes we don’t hear from God because we didn’t obey his last instruction to us. If this is you, obey the last instruction God gave you.

Repeat. The conversation is ongoing—keep talking to him. God wants a relationship with you so he can direct your journey. This is often why we only get enough light for the step we are on. We remain in him—dependent on his guidance for each step.

Sometimes God’s silence results from going our own way.

Every day, you can enter the PARLOR with God because he has invited you in. Confess sin that hinders your conversation with him. Seek to know him. Praise him, give thanks, and ask for help—then quiet your heart, listen, and obey.

Cristina Slabic writes and speaks on fruitful living and teaches in her local church. @cristinaslabic

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