Our February issue of TRULY Magazine focuses on leadership. In the issue, we interviewed five women on the Truly team to learn about their leadership styles and preferences to give our readers insight into our leaders and contributors and to give you inspiration in your own leadership. This is a continuation of the Q&A that you can find in our beautifully designed Leadership Issue.

Connect with the women in this interview on Instagram:
Rachel: @rachelskoog
Bhar: @bhar.bagutti
Lindsay: @lindsaymaypix
Adriel: @adrieljeanne
Micah: @micah_kennealy
Natasha: @nsperling2

Why is opening doors for others important in leadership?

Rachel: I’m constantly amazed at the capacity of those around me. When I let others come forward, I’m usually blown away by what people bring to the table.

Bhar: Paving the way is important because we are all so unique! No one person does the same thing the same way.

Lindsay: Being a leader means making a way for the ones who are going to follow, so she or he can have an even greater impact (John 14:12).

Adriel: If you’re not just meeting your benchmarks, but are also developing people and increasing their opportunities, your ripple effect is huge.

Micah: I believe that is the definition of servant leadership; it is our pleasure to provide opportunities for others.

Natasha: Not everyone recognizes her own potential, and but an invitation to step out can be the nudge she needs.

What one quality do you value most in a leader?

Rachel: Integrity, clarity, tenacity, vulnerability, spirit . . . Leadership is many things, and focusing on one swings the pendulum too far.

Bhar: I love a passionate leader driven by her goal and willing to do all it takes to accomplish the goal.

Lindsay: Empowerment—the willingness to trust those around you to help accomplish the vision.

Adriel: Good listening. When leaders don’t take time to listen, I question if she or he is committed to and values their team.

Micah: Authenticity

Natasha: I can’t narrow it to just one most important trait. But I really appreciate flexibility and approachability.

Communication style: direct or indirect?

Rachel: Direct. I like clarity.

Bhar: Direct. Anything else leaves room for unnecessary doubt or guessing.

Lindsay: DIRECT! Passive, unclear communication causes confusion, delay, and uncertainty, contributing to low team morale.

Adriel: Direct. It’s maybe the best shortcut to getting things done and staying on the same page.

Micah: I enjoy a more direct approach in communication, which helps eliminate miscommunication and gray areas.

Natasha: Direct. But that doesn’t mean it has to be curt or harsh.

What is the key to developing next-generation leaders? 

Rachel: Simply giving opportunity. If the next-generation wants to help or be involved, let them. Find a place for them.

Bhar: Too many are fueled by things with an expiration date. Developing strong values rooted in truth is going to be key.

Lindsay: Authenticity, belief in your mission, modeling what you preach, speaking life into people, and calling them “up.”

Adriel: Partner with God in developing who people are, and offer meaningful (not token) opportunities.

Micah: We need to come alongside a generation to better understand them, not armed with facts about them.

Natasha: Finding and building upon common ground instead of clashing over differences.

Introvert or extrovert? 

Rachel: Introvert.

Bhar: Right in the middle, mostly extroverted.

Lindsay: Extrovert, but I enjoy decompressing after being “ON” in front of people.

Adriel: I lean extrovert, but it goes back and forth.

Micah: I used to be an extreme introvert as a child, but now I am an extrovert.

Natasha: Introvert.

How does faith influence your leadership?

Rachel: I hope to emulate Jesus to those I’m leading.

Bhar: My leadership is rooted in faith because I can always turn to God as my foundation for guidance.

Lindsay: My faith is part of my inner workings, so it’s a natural outflow of how I operate.

Adriel: Faith keeps me humble and gives me hope and courage.

Micah: Faith allows me to team up with the Godhead to make decisions, share vision, and receive new ideas.

Natasha: My faith guides how I react to and treat others.

How do you keep those around you inspired?

Rachel: My arena involves heavy topics—trafficking, child-soldiers, refugees. Encouraging our team to keep soft hearts that can engage with tough emotions is vital.

Bhar: Being an encourager helps people around me to stay inspired.

Lindsay: I try to provide a fun, welcoming atmosphere where people feel valued and safe to be themselves, and I keep the vision fresh in mind.

Adriel: Encouragement! And constantly reminding people of the vision and their unique role in it.

Micah: Inspiration comes from casting vision. As a leader I need to know where we are going, where I am taking people, and if anyone is following.

Natasha: Having the freedom to dream and innovate helps people stay inspired.

The best way to channel creativity is . . .

Rachel: Start! Take an idea and think about it from many angles. No idea is silly. A silly idea can spur something profound.

Bhar: Write the ideas or thoughts down and refer back and dream and expand on them! You just never know where things will go.

Lindsay: Try new things! I also like to let my imagination run a bit wild and dream up crazy (positive) scenarios.

Adriel: Riff on something familiar to get in the zone and establish flow, and then branch out.

Micah: Get in God’s presence and rely on the Holy Spirit to share God-sized dreams, approaches, tactics, and so much more!

Natasha: Expose yourself to a variety of artistic media, genres, styles—even those that aren’t your cup of tea. You might be surprised by what sparks an idea.