Have you ever found yourself in the midst of a hard season wishing it would just go away? One day in March, my husband, Frank, came home from work complaining of feeling ill, but we both wrote it off as him needing rest and hydration. As the days passed, it became clear that this was not just a case of needing rest, and on the eighth day he tested positive for COVID-19. Frank’s health quickly took a turn for the worse, as not even twenty-four hours later, he was placed on a ventilator.

I share this with you because this story goes a lot deeper than a virus and a ten-day ventilator hospital stay. God knew my struggle to control most situations in my life. I tend to want to keep one hand on things at all times. This turns into not trusting God to take care of circumstances in my life. Frank’s health scare was no different. 

Frank was dropped off at the hospital alone because no visitors were allowed. I felt so utterly helpless. As I sat there at home pleading to Jesus, I felt the Holy Spirit whisper the words, Do you trust me? Immediately I was led to read Philippians 4:7:And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

I had an indescribable, instantaneous peace and trust in God as I read this verse. I felt a sense of calm come over me as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. My head became clearer, and I could see past what was in front of me as if Jesus was whispering, “I got this.” My heart was no longer aching, and this verse reminded me: Even if the worst happens, God is still good. I had no idea what tomorrow would bring, but I knew the One who held my tomorrow. 

I don’t know if you’ve ever found yourself pleading for answers and begging for change in your circumstances, but it’s a very scary place to be in. “To let go and let God,” as they say, takes complete trust in Jesus. I’m not talking about a one-time trust, but an hour-by-hour kind of trust. This kind of trust instills peace that only God can provide. Because alone, it’s out of reach.

Beautiful friend, you may not be experiencing the illness of a family member, but let me tell you, whatever season you are in, God has a purpose in your pain. Please don’t ask him to rush this season or take you backward, because he’s trying to advance you forward. Ask God for what you need to keep going, and trust he will sustain you. It may be a difficult season in your life, but he is still the same God.

Tyra Greene has a passion for encouraging women to love others and drop their self comparison. When life gets difficult, remember you are seen and known and loved by Jesus. @tyragreene4

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