Identity can almost feel like a buzzword in both secular and Christian circles these days. So much so that it begins to lose meaning and even importance. Our senses become dulled to its very notion. I assure you, however, it is important—and if it’s not to you, it should be. There is a battle raging for our identity, whether we acknowledge it or not. Our identity encompasses who we are and where we come from and reveals our value and worth.

We are valuable and have worth because we are image bearers of Christ, and the perfect radiance of God himself was crucified for us. This truth is foundational to our core identity. It does not and cannot change or shift, contrary to current culture, which tells us that it is fluid and changing and is what we decide. Christ tells us to claim our identity in him. How do we revive the importance of this word and find our true identity in Christ?

Let’s be clear about what our identity is not. Our identity is not defined by our circumstances. It is not defined by what we do or what happens to us. Additionally, it is not defined by how we may feel about those circumstances. Those things all possess the ability to shift and change, and our identity cannot and does not shift. We are who Christ says we are regardless of circumstance. Scripture affirms for us that each individual is made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26–27), fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), a chosen people belonging to God (1 Peter 2:9). Of these things we can be certain. For all that comes and goes, identity is a rock in the shifting sands of circumstance.

As we anchor our identity in Christ, the Bible shows us a good place to start. Scripture tells us that the beginning of all knowledge and wisdom is the fear of the Lord (Proverbs 1:7). Gaining more knowledge of who we are in Christ starts here. Fearing the Lord and holding him in holy reverence reveals our standing in comparison to his righteousness. While we were still sinners, Jesus made the choice to reconcile ourselves to him, to put us back in right standing with God, through his crucifixion, death, and resurrection (Romans 5:8). Knowing who he is and what he did for us is the beginning of knowing who we are and what our identity truly is.

It’s critical as Christians that we not only realize but claim our identity in Christ. This is truth—the truth of who we are as created beings alongside who we are in relation to our holy God. Claiming identity in Christ isn’t a Christianese term to be thrown around lightly. This is an anchoring statement of faith. We must be firm in it because it is who God says we are. If this remains unimportant to us, we risk blowing to and fro with the ever-changing winds of culture, chasing after earthly worth and false identity. Abiding in this truth opens us up to the gifts of freedom, God’s strength, and his protection (John 8:32; Psalm 18:2; 16:8). Standing firm in our identity in Christ gives us heavenly perspective and a heightened ability to see more clearly who we are in him. 

When we find our identity in Christ, we are no longer chained to the ache of searching for value or worth. As we continue to root our identity in him, there our value will be also—living in truth and freedom, standing firm as one who is spoken for, because in Christ, we are. So live and love anchored in the truth of who you are and whose you are, in Christ Jesus.

Monica is a solar-powered Minnesota Momma. Born and raised in Minnesota, she looks forward to the state fair every year. You can find her @Pineapple_Momma or


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